
Artemis is designed to be used with existing tools and workflows for software development.

Here, we will use Git and GitHub as an example, but the same principles apply to other version control systems and code hosting platforms.

Source of truth

Artemis works locally on files, but also uploads data (firmware, configurations) to the broker. Even though, devices can only see the broker, we consider the files Artemis works with the "source of truth". In fact, there is not even a way to retrieve an Artemis fleet configuration (consisting of the fleet.json and devices.json files) from the broker.

It is healthy to think of the broker as a "dumb" communication channel between the devices and the Artemis CLI. All the important data is stored locally.


Since Artemis works locally, it is a good idea to use Git to keep track of the changes in the Artemis fleet files. This provides multiple features that are critical for efficient fleet management:

  • Versioning
  • Collaboration
  • Code reviews
  • Continuous integration

Artemis could implement these features itself (and many other fleet management systems do), but using existing tools is more efficient, flexible and convenient for the user.

Typical setup

Artemis doesn't require any specific setup, and for small projects, the following workflow is clearly overkill. However, for larger projects, or projects that require the cooperation of multiple developers, the following setup is probably a good starting point.


When managing fleets, there are two main tasks:

  • Firmware development
  • Roll out

Both of these should be versioned separately and will therefore live in their own repositories.

Development repository

As an example see this repository.

The development repository is responsible for creating pods ("firmware") that can then be rolled out to the production fleet.

Note that even the development repository should contain a fleet configuration. For one, Artemis requires one for most of its operations, but also, pod development typically wants a fleet to test against. Devices in this fleet are typically in physical proximity to the developers and can be used for testing.

For most projects, the development repository can also contain the source code that is used to build the firmware. This is not a requirement, and for larger projects, it might make sense to have a separate repository for the source code.

Continuous integration and releases

As part of the continuous integration, the development repository builds a new pod at each commit (to main), and uploads it. It then does a roll-out to the development fleet. Depending on the fleet configuration this affects a subset of the devices (or none).

Developers should then monitor the development fleet to see if the new pod works as expected.

Once a pod is ready for production, it can be tagged and released. During this process, the pod is also uploaded to the production fleet. Note, that this doesn't mean that the pod is rolled out to the production fleet. It just makes it available for a roll-out.

Production repository

As an example see this repository.

The production repository is only responsible for rolling out pods to the production fleet. It doesn't contain any pod source code.

Changes to this repository might affect lots of devices and should thus be reviewed and tested carefully.

If things go wrong, it is enough to revert to the previous commit and do a new roll-out. As long as the devices have some way of connecting to the broker they will eventually recover to the previous state.