
Import statements make code from other libraries available in the current library. They must be at the top-level and at the top of the file (possibly following some comments).

An import always starts with the import keyword, followed by identifier segments that tell Toit how to find the library. Optionally it can be suffixed by customizations:

For example:

import math
import net.tcp as network
import encodings.json show encode
import .other

Depending on whether the identifier segments start with a . or not, the import is a local or global import. Toit uses a different strategy to locate the target file for each of these two strategies.


For local imports Toit searches for the target library relative to the current library.

For example, let's assume we have a file structure as follows:

├── my-lib
│   ├── my-lib.toit
│   ├── other.toit
│   └── sub
│       └── sub.toit
└── sibling
    ├── sibling2.toit
    └── sibling.toit

3 directories, 5 files

If we are editing my-lib.toit then we can import other.toit and sibling.toit as follows:

// In my-lib.toit.
import .other
import .sub.sub
import ..sibling.sibling
import ..sibling.sibling2

Note, that import .sub.sub and import ..sibling.sibling could be shortened to import .sub and import ..sibling respectively. (See folder shortcut below).

The first . indicates that the import is a local import. Further dots move up the folder hierarchy.

For locally imported libraries all their top-level elements are directly visible inside the importing library without any prefix. See customizations below for ways of changing that.


Global imports are importing libraries that come from packages or the SDK. For example import math imports the mathematics library that is shipped with the SDK.

The compiler has a mapping from identifier to location. The first identifier in the segment list is used to find a folder or file. After that, the local and global resolution works the same. That is, a global import can dot into sub-folders the same way as for local imports. A common use of dotting is for the JSON library which is a sub-folder of encodings:

import encodings.json

Once imported, all global elements of the imported library are available through a prefix. By default the prefix is the last identifier of the segment list. In the case of the encodings.json import above, the prefix would thus be json, and one could call json.parse to call the top-level parse function of that library (toitdoc).

Note, that global imports also apply the folder shortcut, as described below.

Folder shortcut

It is very common to have a folder and a Toit file with the same name. The Toit language thus has a shortcut to avoid repeating the last identifier twice: if an import would resolve to a folder, Toit looks for a Toit file that has the same name as the last segment.

For example, assume we have the following structure:

├── main.toit
└── sub
    └── sub.toit

1 directory, 2 files

Inside main.toit we can import sub.toit by writing import .sub.sub. As discussed, this is repetitive, so instead this can be shortened to: import .sub.

The same mechanism applies to SDK or package imports. If the resolution of an import finds a folder, Toit tries to find a file with the same name as the last segment instead.

Say, we want to use the morse package. When installing this package with jag pkg install, (or with toit.pkg ...) the package manager downloads the sources and adds a mapping from the package's name morse to the location it downloaded the sources. Specifically, the mapping points to the src folder of the package.

If you are using Jaguar, you should use `jag pkg` (with a space) to install packages. If you are using the standalone open source Toit SDK, you should use `toit.pkg` (with a dot).

Here is the file hierarchy of the morse package:

├── src
│   └── morse.toit

3 directories, 14 files

When the Toit language now sees an import morse it uses that mapping to find the src folder of the downloaded sources. Since, the target is a folder, Toit now uses the last identifier (here there is just one: morse) and search for morse.toit in that folder.


By default a local import simply makes all top-level elements of the imported library visible (without prefix). Similarly, a global import provides the top-level elements through a prefix, which is the same as the last segment.

In some cases this simple approach is not convenient, and Toit allows to customize imports.

A developer can set the prefix of an import with the as clause:

import .other as other
import math as m

The show keyword selectively imports the specified top-level elements and makes them available without prefix:

import math show sin cos
import .other show top-level-fun

In the example, we only import the sin and cos functions from the SDK's math library and make it available without any prefix.

For the local .other import we restrict the import to one single identifier: top-level-fun.

If we want to access all identifiers of the math library without prefix we can write import math show *. The show * clause just removes the prefix and treats the global import the same as a local import.


Libraries can export elements from other libraries. Every exported element is visible as if it was a top-level element of the exporting library.

For example:

// In file export-example.toit

import math show cos

export cos

  print "hello"

When this library is imported, the importee sees two entries: cos and print-hello. For example, let's say this library is imported locally as follows:

import .export-example as example

  print (example.cos 0.0)

Here we import export-example with a prefix example. This gives access to the elements print-hello and cos on this prefix.

Note that the main Toit file could also just import math itself, but there are often reasons why that's not as convenient. Most commonly, export is used to provide a curated subset of a package.

Say we have the following package structure:

└── src
    ├── feature1.toit
    ├── feature2.toit
    ├── feature3.toit
    └── my_package.toit

1 directory, 4 files

Then the my_package.toit could be written as follows:

// We are the main-entry point for this package.
// Provide the most common features.
import .feature1
import .feature2
// Don't expose feature3 automatically. Users can
// import it with `import my_package.feature3` if needed.

// Export all identifiers.
export *

Similar to show *, the export * affects all identifiers, and thus re-exports all elements that have been imported.


The IDE will not show identifiers that end with _ if they come from a different package. There is no strict enforcement of this privacy mechanism, but developers should not use identifier_ variables of libraries that have been imported through a global import.