Font basics

This section explains how fonts work when using displays on the Toit SDK.


There is a selection of freely usable fonts available in packages.

The fonts are in the form of bitmaps, rather than scalable fonts. For some fonts that were originally scalable, a selection of pixel sizes have been created ahead of time. They can be displayed in any of 4 orientations. Most of the fonts are variable-width, but there are also some typewriter-style fixed-width fonts.

In order to save space on the device, you must select which blocks of glyphs (letters) you require for each font you are using. This will depend on the languages you wish to support on the display, and which special characters you need. For English language text it will be enough to include the ASCII block. For the accented characters used in Western Europe you will need to add the LATIN-1-SUPPLEMENT block. See the full list of blocks at Wikipedia. Toit packages use a capitalized version of the official names of the blocks, replacing spaces and dashes with undercores. The exception is the "Basic Latin" block, which is called ASCII. Not all blocks are available in every font.

Right-to-Left writing systems and Abugida writing systems are not currently suported.

The Toit font display code does not support composable accents, and so the characters in the text must be precomposed. Thus the 4-character sequence, "A", "h", "e", acute-accent, cannot be displayed, whereas the 3-character sequence "A", "h", "é" will display if the correct Unicode block is included in the font.


In the following example we assume the font-x11-adobe package has been installed in your project.

// Import the font and size that you need, and give it a name.
import font-x11-adobe.sans-14-bold as s14b

// Other imports we need.
import font show Font

// Select the Unicode blocks you need from the font. In this
// case we have the coverage needed for Western Europe, plus
// the Euro sign, which is in the CURRENCY-SYMBOLS block. We
// call our subset of the font sans-10-bold.

// For this example we assume there exists a function `get-display` that
// creates a PixelDisplay.
display := get-display

// An example function that adds a text to a display.

  // Add the fish text to the display at coordinates (50, 50).
      Label --x=50 --y=50 --text="Ål, 3€/kg" --font=SANS-14-BOLD

  // Update the display with the latest addition.

Available Fonts

The fonts are arranged according to their origin.

Fonts from X11

These are taken from the X11 Windowing system commonly used with Linux. They have been hand-optimized for low-resolution screens and are suitable for use cases where individual pixels are visible to the naked eye.


This font is from the font-x11-adobe package. It is a modified version of the Adobe font named "Helvetica". "Helvetica" is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc.

A clean sans-serif variable-width font, available in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24. The styles are default, oblique, bold and bold-oblique. For example the default style is found with import font-x11-adobe.sans-14 and the bold style can be found with import font-x11-adobe.sans-14-bold. Coverage includes mainly Latin letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-x11-adobe package. It is a modified version of the Adobe font named "New Century Schoolbook". "New Century Schoolbook" is a trademark of Monotype GmbH.

A serif variable-width font, available in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24. The styles are default, italic, bold and bold-italic. For example the default style is found with import and the bold style can be found with import Coverage includes mainly Latin letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-x11-adobe package. It is a modified version of the Adobe font named "Times New Roman". "Times New Roman" is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.

A serif variable-width font, available in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24. The styles are default, italic, bold and bold-italic. For example the default style is found with import font-x11-adobe.serif-14 and the bold style can be found with import font-x11-adobe.serif-14-bold. Coverage includes mainly Latin and Greek letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-x11-adobe package. It is a modified version of the Adobe font named "Courier".

A serif fixed-width font, available in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24. The styles are default, oblique, bold and bold-oblique. For example the default style is found with import font-x11-adobe.typewriter-14 and the bold style can be found with import font-x11-adobe.typewriter-14-bold. Coverage includes mainly Latin letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-clear package. It is a modified version of the Bigelow and Holmes font named "Lucida Bright". "Lucida" is a trademark of Bigelow and Holmes, Inc.

A serif variable-width font, available in sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, and 24. The styles are default, italic, bold and bold-italic. For example the default style is found with import font-clear.clear-14 and the bold style can be found with import font-clear.clear-14-bold. Coverage includes mainly Latin letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-clear package. It is a modified version of the Bigelow and Holmes font named "Lucida Sans". "Lucida" is a trademark of Bigelow and Holmes, Inc.

A sans-serif variable-width font, available in sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, and 24. The styles are default, italic, bold and bold-italic. For example the default style is found with import font-clear.clear-sans-14 and the bold style can be found with import font-clear.clear-sans-14-bold. Coverage includes mainly Latin letters, including accented variants. See the copyright message.


This font is from the font-clearly-u package.

A sans-serif variable-width font, available only in size 12. The styles are default and autobold, where the autobold variant has been generated automatically by Toit, so it can be a little crude-looking. For example the default style is found with import font-clearly-u.clearly-u-12 and the bold style can be found with import font-clearly-u.clearly-u-12-autobold. It has good coverage of left-to-right alphabets, including Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Georgian, Ge'ez (Ethiopic), Cherokee, Unified Canadian Aboriginal, Runes, and Braille. It also has some symbols, arrows and geometric shapes. See the copyright message

Matthew Welch

The font designer Matthew Welch has designed some freely available fonts, one of which we have chosen for inclusion.


This font is from the font-tiny package.

The tiny font has a normal height of only 4 pixels, plus one pixel for descenders. Toit also provides a modified version of this font to expand digits into the descender area, which makes them 5 pixels high, and slightly more readable. It covers only the ASCII area and so has no accented or non-English characters. Use with import font-tiny.tiny or import font-tiny.tiny-bigger-digits. See the copyright message.


The fonts in the Google Fonts project are distributed as TrueType scalable fonts. We have converted one of them to our bitmap format. Some refinements, for example kerning of individual letter pairs, are not feasible to implement in a small platform, and have not been included in the version available here.


This font is from the roboto package.

This is a scalable sans-serif font used on Android phones among other places. The bitmap versions here have been automatically generated, and can be a little rough around the edges, especially on low resolution displays. They are available in larger sizes than the hand-optimized bitmap fonts. The styles are thin, light, regular, medium, bold, and black. Each style is also available in an italic variant. Sizes are 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, and 36. For example the regular style is found with import roboto.roboto-14-regular and the italic style can be found with import roboto.roboto-14-regular_italic. Roboto has good coverage of Roman, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets. See the copyright message.