Setting up the IDE

This tutorial guides the reader through the installation process. It is an extended version of the Get Started documentation.

Start by installing Visual Studio Code (henceforth "vscode").

Then install Jaguar (Releases).

On Windows 10+ simply open powershell, and run:

winget install --id=Toit.Jaguar -e

For older Windows versions, download and install Jaguar from here.

Visual Studio Code has an integrated terminal.

Screenshot of where to find the menu entry to create a vscode Terminal
Screenshot of where to find the menu entry to create a vscode Terminal

Whenever we ask you to run a command, use this terminal. To do that simply open a new terminal (or use an existing one) and type the command there.

Run the following command in a terminal:

jag setup

If this step is skipped the extension will remind you later.

Install the Toit extension

In vscode click on the gear icon and then "extensions".

Screenshot of where to find the extensions button
Screenshot of where to find the extensions button

Search for Toit and install the extension.

Screenshot of the Toit extension page
Screenshot of the Toit extension page

Open a folder

When working in Toit we recommend to use separate folders for different projects. Vscode has the notion of "opened folder" which is used by the Toit extension to know where to put files and whether files are related.

After opening a folder, vscode also automatically opens terminals in that folder, which is often a requirement when running commands (specifically package commands).

Click on "Open Folder" and go into a (probably fresh) folder.

When you open a new terminal you should now see the name of the folder (although this depends on your operating system).

Prepare a device

Plug in your ESP32, and, in a terminal, run the following command:

jag flash

Select the USB port the device is connected to. If no correct serial port shows up, have a look at our trouble-shooting page or follow the guide on Espressif's page to establish a serial connection with the ESP32.

Screenshot of the jag flash command asking for a port
Screenshot of the jag flash command asking for a port

Then enter the WiFi credentials of the network you want to connect to.

Screenshot of the jag flash command asking for WiFi credentials
Screenshot of the jag flash command asking for WiFi credentials

As soon as the credentials are submitted, the flashing process starts.

Screenshot of the jag flash command flashing the device
Screenshot of the jag flash command flashing the device

When the flashing is done, run jag monitor to verify that the device is connecting correctly to the WiFi:

Screenshot of the jag monitor command showing the output of the device
Screenshot of the jag monitor command showing the output of the device

The jag monitor will run until stopped with ctrl+c, or when the device is physically disconnected.

Running jag monitor has two effects:

  • it reboots the device (unless used with --attach), and
  • it shows the output of programs.

During development it's convenient to always have a terminal monitoring the output of the device. A common setup thus consists of having two terminals open at the same time. One to interact with the device and one to monitor the output. Vscode's "split terminal" comes in handy for this.

Screenshot of vscode with two terminals
Screenshot of vscode with two terminals

Selecting a device

Jaguar has the notion of a "default device". This is the device that is used when no device is specified. If you have multiple devices, or just want to set the default one, you can select a device by running jag scan.

Screenshot of the jag scan command
Screenshot of the jag scan command

Note: Jaguar uses UDP broadcast messages to find all ESP32 devices. This means that the desktop and the ESP32 need to be in the same network for this to work.

If jag scan can't find your device, you can also help jag by providing the IP address of the device. This is done by running jag scan <ip-address>. The IP address can be found in the output of jag monitor. For example:

jag scan

Your development environment is now ready to use. You can start writing programs in Toit and run them on your device.

Next steps

Have a look at the first programs tutorial to learn how to write a Toit program and run it on the device.