
Services are Toit's way of communicating between different containers. They build on top of low-level remote-procedure-calls (RPCs) and provide a higher-level abstraction for inter-container communication.


We assume that you have set up your development environment as described in the IDE tutorial.

We also assume that you have flashed your device with Jaguar and that you are familiar with running Toit programs on it. If not, have a look at the Hello world tutorial.

Note that you can do this tutorial without a device. In that case, you need to use the -d host option whenever you invoke jag run. The program will then run on your computer instead of on a device. In this case will need to [spawn]( the individual containers from your main program, instead of running them individually.

  print "running in container1"

  print "running in container2"

  // Spawn a new process for each container.
  spawn:: code-for-container1
  spawn:: code-for-container2


Services make it possible to provide APIs across container boundaries. Before using multiple containers it is a good idea to implement the functionality in a single container first. Once you are happy with the API and have tested it, you can split the functionality into multiple containers.

In this tutorial we will implement a simple notification service. Each client can publish a message to the service, and the service will then forward the message to all other clients.

As discussed above, it's a good idea to implement the functionality in a single container first.


Create a new file notification.toit and watch it with Jaguar.

We will need a monitor channel later, so let's start with that.

import monitor


Next, we specify the API we want to have using interfaces.

A notification service that connects multiple clients to each other.
interface NotificationService:
  connect -> Connection

A connection to a notification service.

All messages sent through the connection are broadcast to all other
interface Connection:
  /** Closes the connection. */
  close -> none
  /** Sends a message to all other connected clients. */
  send message/string -> none
  Receives a message from another client.
  This method blocks until a message is received.
  receive -> string


We might need to adjust the API later, but this is a good starting point. Let's implement the service in a single-container context:

class NotificationService_ implements NotificationService:
  clients_ := {:}
  client-id_ := 0

  connect -> Connection:
    id := client-id_++
    result := Connection_ id this
    clients_[id] = result
    return result

  send-all_ message/string --sender/int -> none: | client-id connection/Connection_ |
      if client-id != sender:
        connection.dispatch_ message

class Connection_ implements Connection:
  channel/monitor.Channel ::= monitor.Channel 10

  constructor .id .service_:

  close -> none:
    service_.clients_.remove id

  send message/string -> none:
    service_.send-all_ message --sender=id

  receive -> string:
    return channel.receive

  dispatch_ message/string -> none:
    channel.send message

This is a very simple implementation, but allows us to test the API and play around with it. The NotificationService_ class keeps track of all clients and forwards messages to them. The Connection_ class is a thin wrapper around a monitor channel. It is used to send and receive messages.

Test program

Let's implement some tasks that use this service:

run service/NotificationService --name/string:
  connection/Connection? := service.connect
  send-task/Task? := null
    send-task = task::
      counter := 0
      while true:
        connection.send "hello from $name ($(counter++))"
        sleep (Duration --s=(1 + (random 3)))

    while true:
      message := connection.receive
      if message == "quit":
      print "$name received: $message"

    // Make sure we execute all of these finally statements
    // even if one of them yields.
      if send-task != null:

  service := NotificationService_
  runner1 := task:: run service --name="runner1"
  runner2 := task:: run service --name="runner2"
  runner3 := task:: run service --name="runner3"

  sleep (Duration --s=10)
  main-connection := service.connect
  main-connection.send "quit"

Here we create 3 tasks that connect to the service. Each sends a message at a random interval (1 to 3 seconds), and prints any messages it receives. The main tasks shuts everything down after 10 seconds by sending a quit message to the service (and thus to all clients).


Now that we have a working implementation, we can use services to make the API work across container boundaries.

Service interface

As before we start by specifying the interfaces.

Create a service.toit file and insert the following code.

import show ServiceSelector

A notification service that connects multiple clients to each other.
interface NotificationService:
  static SELECTOR ::= ServiceSelector

  Connects this client to the notification service.

  Returns a handle (int) to the Connection.
  connect -> int
  static CONNECT-INDEX ::= 0

  connection-send handle/int message/string -> none

This is very similar to the interface we used in the single-container implementation. The main difference is that we have added a ServiceSelector to the interface. This is used to identify the service. The SELECTOR is used by the client to find the service, and the CONNECT-INDEX is used to find the connect method.

We also removed the Connection interface. This is because we will not be able to pass objects across container boundaries. Instead we will use handles (integers) to identify connections.

The service now also has the methods of the Connection interface. That is, it has the connection-send method. The receive method is not on the service, as we will use resource notifications for that.


Next, we need to implement the service. Create a provider.toit file and insert the following code.

import show ServiceProvider ServiceResource ServiceHandler
import .service

class NotificationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    implements ServiceHandler:
  connections_ ::= {:}

    super "tutorial/notification" --major=1 --minor=0
    provides NotificationService.SELECTOR --handler=this

  handle index/int arguments/any --gid/int --client/int -> any:
    if index == NotificationService.CONNECT-INDEX:
      connection := Connection this client
      connections_[] = connection
      return connection
    if index == NotificationService.CONNECTION-SEND-INDEX:
      sender := (this.resource client arguments[0]) as Connection
      message := arguments[1] | id connection/Connection |
        if id !=
          connection.dispatch_ message
      return null

  remove-connection_ connection/Connection:

class Connection extends ServiceResource:
  static id-counter/int := 0


  constructor .provider client/int:
    id = id-counter++
    super provider client --notifiable

  dispatch_ message/string -> none:
    notify_ message

  on-closed -> none:
    provider.remove-connection_ this

There is a lot of boilerplate code here. The provider must initialize its super class with a name and its version number (both usually only used for debugging). It must also specify which selectors it provides. In our case the NotificationServiceProvider is also the handler of the service, which is why it implements the ServiceHandler interface and passes itself as handler for the provides call.

The handle method is the main method of the provider. It is called when a client calls a method on the service. The index argument is used to identify the method, and the arguments argument is the object that the client passed to the method. (See the serialization section for information on what type the object can be of.)

The Connection is implemented as a resource. Resources have the advantage that the framework automatically closes them if the client disappears. They also have a built-in notification mechanism that allows us to send messages to the client without the client having to poll for them. This is, why the super call in the Connection constructor has the --notifiable flag.

Since we often want to install the provider as a separate container, let's add a main function to that file:

  provider := NotificationServiceProvider


Finally, we need to implement the client. Create a client.toit file and insert the following code.

import monitor
import show ServiceClient ServiceResourceProxy
import .service

class NotificationServiceClient extends ServiceClient:
  static SELECTOR ::= NotificationService.SELECTOR

  constructor selector=SELECTOR:
    assert: selector.matches SELECTOR
    super selector

  connect -> Connection:
    handle := invoke_ NotificationService.CONNECT-INDEX null
    proxy := Connection this handle
    return proxy

  send_ handle/int message/string -> none:
    invoke_ NotificationService.CONNECTION-SEND-INDEX [handle, message]

class Connection extends ServiceResourceProxy:
  channel_ := monitor.Channel 10

  constructor client/ServiceClient handle/int:
    super client handle

  send message/string -> none:
    client := (client_ as NotificationServiceClient)
    client.send_ handle_ message

  receive -> string:
    return channel_.receive

  on-notified_ notification/any -> none:
    channel_.send notification

The client code is typically the most human readable code as it is imported by users of the service (which are frequently unfamiliar with the service implementation).

Users of the service must instantiate a NotificationServiceClient. They can then connect to it using the connect method. This returns a Connection object that can be used to send and receive messages to and from the service.

The Connection object is implemented as a proxy. This means that it is a local object that forwards all method calls to the service. It has a handle integer that identifies it to the service.

Since the provider marked the resource as --notifiable, the proxy can receive notifications from the provider. These are handled by the on-notified_ method, which overrides the default implementation in ServiceResourceProxy. The on-notified_ method simply forwards the notification to a channel, which is used by the receive method.

A user

Now that we have implemented the service, we can use it. Create a user.toit file and insert the following code.

import .client

  name := "client - $"
  print "My name is $name"
  main --name=name

main --name:
  client := NotificationServiceClient
  connection := client.connect
  send-task/Task? := null
    send-task = task::
      counter := 0
      while true:
        connection.send "hello from $name ($(counter++))"
        sleep (Duration --s=(1 + (random 3)))

    while true:
      message := connection.receive
      if message == "quit":
      print "$name received: $message"

    // Make sure we execute all of these finally statements
    // even if one of them yields.
      if send-task != null:

This code is very similar to the code we used in the single-container implementation. Instead of running in a task, this program now runs in a main function. This is because we will run it in a separate container. We added a second main function with a --name argument. We will use this for the case where we spawn multiple clients from the same program (see below). It is not essential to services.

Running the service

If you have an actual device, you can install the service on the device with, for example Jaguar. Otherwise you can also run them locally on your desktop machine. We will show both options.


Jaguar does not support running multiple containers with the same sources. To work around this, we create a user2.toit file that just imports user.toit and calls its main.

import .user as user


We recommend you have a look at the container tutorial for more information on how to install containers on a device. For our purpose the following command should work:

jaguar container install provider provider.toit
jaguar container install user1 user.toit
jaguar container install user2 user2.toit

This will install the provider and two clients on the device. As soon as the clients are installed they start sending messages to each other (through the provider).


If you do not have a device, you can run the service locally. You will have to spawn the individual containers from your main program.

Write the following spawn.toit file:

import .user as user
import .provider
import .client

    provider := NotificationServiceProvider
    sleep (Duration --s=15)

  spawn:: user.main --name="process1"
  spawn:: user.main --name="process2"
  spawn:: user.main --name="process3"

  sleep (Duration --s=10)
  client := NotificationServiceClient
  connection := client.connect
  connection.send "quit"

This program spawns the provider and three clients. It then waits for 10 seconds and sends a "quit" message to the clients. The clients should then stop sending messages.

You can run the program with:

jaguar run -d host spawn.toit


In this tutorial, we have seen how to implement a service that can be used by multiple clients. We have also seen how to run the service on a device and how to run it locally.

It should be straight-forward to extend this tutorial to other use-cases that require coordination between different containers. For example, you could implement a service that uses MQTT, Supabase, or Telegram to send or receive data for multiple containers without needing to open multiple connections.